Organizer: Sociopat, Potm4win
Start Date: 22 January 2016
Game mod: SdOm -NoNeutrals
- No item restriction.
- Creep blocking is allowed.
- Backdooring is allowed.
- Use bugs/glitches in the game will disqualify team.
- 3rd party programs is NOT allowed (only exception is hotkey tool).
- Each player has the right to pause the game for 1 minute.
- If a player disconnects during draft or in the first 5 minutes, the game will be restarted with same heroes. Only 1 restart allowed.
- If a member of the team has connection issues, opponent captain will decide if he wants to wait for him or move forward as winners.
- If a player disconnects in the middle of a game, teams may require remake (if all members agree). Otherwise, game will continue.
- If a player is late, players can wait a max. 15 minutes of the scheduled time.
- If the player(s) does not shows up from one team, the other team has a win. Victory is automatic, WITHOUT playing.
- if the missing player in both teams, both teams LOSE.
- Always check forums for latest news
This rules can be changed without prior notice.
First Place: Title of Champion* on forum and Bot + 15 days of gold member
Start Date: 22 January 2016
Game mod: SdOm -NoNeutrals
- No item restriction.
- Creep blocking is allowed.
- Backdooring is allowed.
- Use bugs/glitches in the game will disqualify team.
- 3rd party programs is NOT allowed (only exception is hotkey tool).
- Each player has the right to pause the game for 1 minute.
- If a player disconnects during draft or in the first 5 minutes, the game will be restarted with same heroes. Only 1 restart allowed.
- If a member of the team has connection issues, opponent captain will decide if he wants to wait for him or move forward as winners.
- If a player disconnects in the middle of a game, teams may require remake (if all members agree). Otherwise, game will continue.
- If a player is late, players can wait a max. 15 minutes of the scheduled time.
- If the player(s) does not shows up from one team, the other team has a win. Victory is automatic, WITHOUT playing.
- if the missing player in both teams, both teams LOSE.
- Always check forums for latest news
This rules can be changed without prior notice.
First Place: Title of Champion* on forum and Bot + 15 days of gold member
Second Place: 10 days of gold member and 1000 gold coins