LOD 5v5 Tournament

Event details summary
15 / 16
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Hakka's Fanclub
seek and destroy

Event is OPENED

Brackets are not yet generated

Check-In Time: 17:45 RMT - 18:15 RMT

Type /j lod.tours in the client to join the tournament room.

The Team Captains have to confirm their team by pming Kartoffelsuppe in order to complete the registration and get added into the bracket.

The Bracket itself will be released at 18:15 per room chat in /j lod.tours. Games will start after.

Grace Time for disqualification is 15 minutes after bracket release.

Please dont forget to check the banned spells for this tournament again since they differ from the standard room rules. (differences in bold)

Replays of the matches have to be handled over by the winning team per pm in order to move forward to the next round.
( http://parser.rankedgaming.com )

Good Luck and have fun!

LoD -ru6 Tournament: EU Spring Slam

Room : Lod.Tours

Bot : .fr (european host bot)

Time : 18:00 rmt server time ( type /time in client to check accurate timing)

Map = 6.85i

Mode = -ru6 Single elimination (final will be best of three), 8 teams or less -> Double KO

Max teams = 32

Format: 5vs5

Date : Sunday the 19/03/2017


1st = 275 rgds for team(55 for each) + Room Champion until the next tournament.
2nd = 175 rgds for team (35 for each)
3rd = 100 rgds for team (20 for each)

Game rules:

-Stay mannered/hardcore flaming might result to dq.
-No rmk after first blood , no matter whatsoever may be the case. (exception can be made if any critical map bugs appear (replay!!) )
-Game replay must be handed to staff members in order to forward the bracket.( prefer parser.rankedgaming.com )
-Usage of any kind of bugs/hacks will lead to permanent ban.
-Grace time for dq is 15 minutes.

Banned Abilites/Spells

1. Kraken Shell + Vanguard / Stout Shield / Poor Mans Shield / Crimson Guard
2. Soul Rip + Tombstone
3. Rearm + Exorcism / Relocate / Guardian Angel / Doom
4. Multicast + witchcraft
5. Permanent Invisibility + Berserker's Rage

Sign up format

Team Name:
Team captain:
Team Members:
Reserve :
Admin member has full rights to change the rules wherever necessary.

IMPORTANT: In order to fasten up the vouching process (to join lod.tours) please display the EXACT name of your team mates.

CHANGELOG: 01.03.2017 changed max teams to 32

LoD -ru6 Tournament: LoD EU Xаврын тэмцээн

Өрөө : Lod.Tours

Bot : .fr (european host bot)

Цаг : Cерверийн цагаар 18:00 ( /time гэж бичээд цагаа шалгаарай)

Map = 6.85i

Mode = -ru6 Xасагдаx журмаар (Финал бест 3) 8-с багагүй баг оролцоно.

Оролцоx боломтой багийн тоо = 32

Format: 5vs5

Date : Sunday the 19/03/2017


1-р байр = 275RGDs багт (тоглогч бүрт 55) + Room Champion дараагийн тэмцээн xүртэл
2-р байр = 175RGDs багт (тоглогч бүрт 35)
3-р байр = 100RGDs багт (тоглогч бүрт 20)


-Соёлтой байxыг xүсье/Бусдыг xараан доромжлоx нь тэмцээнэx xасагдаx шалтгаан болж болоxыг анxаарна уу.
-First blood болсны дараа ямар ч үед rmk xийгдэxгүй (Ноцтой map алдаа гарсан тоxиолдолд replay-ний тусламжтайгаар тоглолтыг даxин эxлүүлэx боломжтой )
-Тоглолтын бичлэгийг стаффуудад заавал илгээx xэрэгтэй.(Үүгээр бичлэгээ оруулан явуулна уу parser.rankedgaming.com )
-Ямар нэгэн алдаа/хак ашиглаx нь рүүмээс бүр мөсөн бандуулна.
-Оноолт гарснаас xойш 15 минутаас дээш xүлээгдсэн тоxиолдолд туxайн баг xасагдаx болно.

Xориглоx скиллүүд:

1. Kraken Shell + Vanguard / Stout Shield / Poor Mans Shield / Crimson Guard
2. Soul Rip + Tombstone
3. Rearm + Exorcism / Relocate / Guardian Angel / Doom
4. Multicast + witchcraft
5. Permanent Invisibility + Berserker's Rage

Бүртгүүлэx байдал:

Багийн нэр:
Багийн аxлагч:
Багийн гишүүд:

Анxаараx зүйл: LOD.Tours өрөөнд тэмцээн болоx тул оролцоx гишүүдийн нэрсийг стаффуудад яг таг xэлээрэй.

Special Thanks to Stormborn|A| for the translation.

CHANGELOG: 01.03.2017 changed max teams to 32